Bordeaux is a great location, and we made the most of this with a quick drive south along the coast to nip over the border into Spain to spend Saturday night in the beautiful Basque town of San Sebastián. San Sebastián is the home of tapas and the vibrant energetic bars are teaming with incredible smells and flavours. Using some inside knowledge acquired from our Chai 2010 vintage winemaker and San Sebastián native Maitena Barrero Libby and I were in the best and most lively tapas bars in no time!

The fabulous beach front Londres Hotel is a favourite of Tony’s and I now know why: magnificent beach views, large grand immaculate rooms and great a great bar just as it would have been 60 years ago!

We moved from tapas bar to tapas bar, tasting some exquisite seafood and in-season dishes, such as langoustines and cepe mushrooms. Small tumblers of the txakoli dry wine of the region is a perfect accompaniment and poured into the glass from arm’s length, splashing in the glass and realising a lively fizz!
The evening we were booked into the Juanito Kojua Restaurant, and fortunately Spanish dinner time is 10pm as we slightly over indulged on the tapas! We had wonderful fish including fried hake and a dish of Mero de Anzuelo. Chose a lovely white Albarino from Rias Baxias called Terras Gauda.
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