Usually I am chasing huge tankers all over France and loading wines left right and centre but today’s transport is very different indeed. I am off into deepest Blaye country just me and the Chai 'Pope mobile' car with a tiny vat in the back to get 300litres of red Bordeaux left over from a bottling. It's absolutely great stuff and I'll do anything to get this tiny element back to the Chai for more barrel ageing with the vision of blending it in the soon to be bottled Part du Boucher (the butcher's piece)!

It was absolutely freezing this morning here in Bordeaux but by the time I had loaded up the tiny vat it the sun was shining and a very nice 17 degrees. The sky was filled with boomerang formations of geese returning from the south, is winter over? Tomorrow we are very busy in the Grand Chai cellar physically blending the first 2011 whites, the JMS and the VC.
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