We were blessed with glorious morning sunshine when I emerged on deck. The lovely little town of Cowes was right on our doorstep with onlookers already gathered on the quayside admiring the Irene. Once everyone was up we tidied the ship ready for the Meridian TV film crew to interview Tony, Hugh and I about the voyage so far and broadcast the weather from deck.

I had a special delivery of kit kats via Barbara from Libby to keep me going on the last leg of the journey! My mum and dad were in town and decided to come and say hello and have a tour round the boat and meet the crew.
Our first delivery of wine directly from Bordeaux was to the Royal Yacht Squadron – the oldest Yacht Club in the world! – which we personally signed.
I finished my TV interview and a little slot on the Isle of Wight local radio and went to have lunch and a look around the town with mum and dad.

Cowes is a nice little town lots of quirky shops and good pubs serving honest food. It was great to stretch my legs for a bit, but I was back on the boat by the evening to prepare for tomorrow’s departure and the next leg of the journey.
We treated ourselves to (what I believe) a well deserved slap up meal with the crew. Miles even brushed his safety slippers for the evening out! It's great to sit down with fellow crew, everyone chatting away as if we've known each other for years! It was back to the boat early for a good night’s kip, back to sea in the morning.
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